Press Release
Chosen Family: Men’s and Women’s Support Groups An Inside Look (Human Error Publishing) by Tom Weiner, was published in August of 2019
Four men’s and women’s support groups ranging in duration from 2-40 years are part of the research project that is the basis for the book. Tom interviewed 27 group members. The first 2 chapters chronicle the evolution of consciousness raising groups in the women’s movement of the 60’s and the growth of the men’s movement of the 80’s. The interviews Tom conducted provide the excerpts from the participants that are the focus of the rest of the book. Questions ranging from the group’s origins to its structure, from what members give to and receive from the group to how the group handles conflicts that arise make for intriguing reading.
The book in many ways serves as both an informative guide to how these groups function and what enables them to survive and thrive, as well as providing encouragement for readers to consider being part of a support group. Not only can such groups offer opportunities to develop meaningful and lasting connections to a group of people who “have your back”, they can also give members a place to go for feedback from people who know you well about life’s challenges, relationships, careers, parenting, aging parents and a host of other arenas of daily life.
Weiner sets out to make the case that these groups can significantly enhance one’s life. He does so convincingly by using the study participants to give voice to the myriad of ways their lives have been enriched by their participation. By drawing responses from two older groups and two younger groups it is also possible to see the similarities and differences among the groups as a function of both gender and age. From topics explored to how the group is perceived by others, these distinctions, which Weiner comments upon in each chapter, provide food for thought about generational changes and about what kind of group the reader might consider forming or joining.
Ultimately this is a hopeful book, which encourages readers to follow the wise words of one of the interview subjects who is quoted on the back cover: “In these increasingly fraught times socially, politically, economically and ecologically, none of us can navigate all of this alone. The circle is essential.”
Speaking of Groups…
The men’s group from Western Massachusetts that began in 1978 and which I have been a part of for over 3 decades, met up for the first of two weekends with a group of younger men from New York City in October of 2017. These are the two men’s groups, along with two women’s groups, that are portrayed in Chosen Family.
We met, hiked, shared and more. To read the whole story, which originally appeared in VOICE/MALE magazine, click HERE.